The Benefits of Studying Abroad in the USA

The benefits of studying abroad in the USA in comparison to studying at your hometown or city is something I noticed during my journey. Studying abroad changed my life and the way I perceive life. Since 2021 I am studying in the United States at a small college in Massachusetts.

Studying in a different country can have multiple benefits and improve your skills. It can help you grow and find out who you are, it can bring you new friends and a new network, and it can help improve your language skills. Also, a lot of times employers prefer hiring someone who studied abroad, too, so it can improve the value in the job market.

Here you can read why all those listed points are coherent with studying abroad.

  • Find out who you are

When you study abroad you can invent yourself new. You can be the person you always wanted to be but were too afraid of other people’s opinions. You can try a new haircut, wear different clothes, or start a new hobby. Since you are not living with your parents, you are more free to make your own decisions without someone’s surveillance. It can also have an influence on your character such as becoming more outgoing.

Since I arrived in the United States I became more confident and extroverted. Before, I was struggling with approaching people or doing a phone call. Since I was on my own when arriving in the U.S. I was forced to solve problems on my own or asking for help. This gave me more confidence in my own abilities and it also helped me with being more comfortable with talking to strangers.

  • New network and new friends

When studying in another country you usually make new friends and new connections. This can be helpful for your future job, but also to learn more about other people’s cultures. You get to know people from different parts of the world, and this gives you the opportunity to travel more and to visit those people in their country. Also, since you are traveling you are more likely to make connections for your career, since you meet more people.

In the U.S. I did not only become friends with Americans, but also with other international students from e.g. Brasil. It is very interesting to see how the cultures differ and I learn every day new things from them. I love meeting new people with different backgrounds and it is also always interesting to see how two completely different cultures with opposite beliefs come together.

  • Improve your language skills

If English is not your first language, your language skills will definitely improve. Even if you think that you are decent in English, there is a difference between the professional or proper English and the spoken English that you use when talking to your friends. When studying in the United States both types of English will improve, as well as your writing skills. The best way of learning a new language is always living in a country that speaks this language. The biggest improvement comes from learning by doing.

Since I arrived in America, my English improved a lot. I learned English in school when I was in Germany, but I noticed fast that the school English distinguishes from the actual spoken English. Also, before studying abroad, I had to think about vocabulary before speaking, but now, I can talk without going through what I want to say beforehand. I am more capable of expressing myself. I am learning new words every day without even noticing. Additionally, since I have to write a lot of essays, my writing skills improve, too. I am more aware of english grammar or spelling rules, and I can structure my papers better than at the beginning of my studies.

If you have more questions about studying abroad, do not hesitate in reaching out to me. I am happy to answer any questions you have.

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